Daily Whistle on GETTR : 【 #NFSC #AMFEST2023】12/16/2023 Nicole interviews Jack Posobiec: CCP has infiltrated America deeply and already started unrestricte...
【 #NFSC #AMFEST2023】12/16/2023 Nicole interviews Jack Posobiec: CCP has infiltrated America deeply and already started unrestricted warfare against the U.S.A. Those people against #CCP like NFSC and fellow fighters in China are heros.
The freedom-loving people (both Americans and Chinese) should be united together to take down the CCP and take actions to destroy the tyranny regime
【 #新中国联邦 #凤凰城烽火行动】2023.12.16 妮可采访来杰克·波索比克:中共要对美国发动了病毒站、毒品战、经济战、法律站等各种超限战。反抗中共的人才是真英雄。美国人民需要和中国人民联合起来,一起行动,行动,行动,恢复美国的伟大,消灭中共
#takedowntheCCP #ccp≠Chinese