Harry Byun on GETTR : 🚨 Dr. Ram Yogendra Shares What He Is Hearing From Air Force Pilots About Their Vaccine Injuries "He's one of the ...
🚨 Dr. Ram Yogendra Shares What He Is Hearing From Air Force Pilots About Their Vaccine Injuries "He's one of the top pilots in the Air Force...He tells me that after the Pfizer vaccine he ended up getting myocarditis and for 18 months he's got scarring in his heart. He just got cleared to fly...Then he starts telling me that there are others in his squadron who've also experienced this." 🚨Ram Yogendra博士分享了他从空军飞行员那里听到的有关疫苗伤害的信息。“他是空军中最优秀的飞行员之一......他告诉我,在接种辉瑞疫苗后,他患上了心肌炎,并且心脏留下了18个月的瘢痕。他刚刚获得了飞行资格......然后他开始告诉我,他所在中队的其他人也经历了同样的疫苗副作用。” #vaccinedeath #vaccinemandate #vaccineinjury #covidbioweapon #freeyvettewang #freemilesguonow #vaccineexcessdeath #vaccineaids #vaccineturbocancer #spikeprotein #vaccinemyocarditis #vaccinesideeffects
🚨 Dr. Ram Yogendra Shares What He Is Hearing From Air Force Pilots About Their Vaccine Injuries 

"He's one of the top pilots in the Air Force...He tells me that after the Pfizer vaccine he ended up getting myocarditis and for 18 months he's got scarring in his heart. He just got cleared to fly...Then he starts telling me that there are others in his squadron who've also experienced this."

🚨Ram Yogendra博士分享了他从空军飞行员那里听到的有关疫苗伤害的信息。“他是空军中最优秀的飞行员之一......他告诉我,在接种辉瑞疫苗后,他患上了心肌炎,并且心脏留下了18个月的瘢痕。他刚刚获得了飞行资格......然后他开始告诉我,他所在中队的其他人也经历了同样的疫苗副作用。”
#vaccinedeath #vaccinemandate #vaccineinjury #covidbioweapon #freeyvettewang #freemilesguonow
#vaccineexcessdeath #vaccineaids #vaccineturbocancer #spikeprotein #vaccinemyocarditis #vaccinesideeffects