NFSCTV on GETTR : 03/21/2023 During an interview on Conservative Daily Podcast, Ava Chen revealed the truth about the shutdown of GTV: The GTV platform, wh...
03/21/2023 During an interview on Conservative Daily Podcast, Ava Chen revealed the truth about the shutdown of GTV: The GTV platform, which was created to spread the truth since the Whistleblowers' Movement has been censored by big techs in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party, was forced to shut down due to an SEC investigation. 03/21/2023 Ava Chen参加“保守派每日播报”(Conservative Daily)节目时,揭露GTV被关闭的真相:由于爆料革命遭到与中共沆瀣一气的大科技公司审查,所以才建立起传播真相的GTV平台,而由于证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查行动,GTV被迫关闭。
03/21/2023 During an interview on Conservative Daily Podcast, Ava Chen revealed the truth about the shutdown of GTV: The GTV platform, which was created to spread the truth since the Whistleblowers' Movement has been censored by big techs in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party, was forced to shut down due to an SEC investigation.

03/21/2023 Ava Chen参加“保守派每日播报”(Conservative Daily)节目时,揭露GTV被关闭的真相:由于爆料革命遭到与中共沆瀣一气的大科技公司审查,所以才建立起传播真相的GTV平台,而由于证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查行动,GTV被迫关闭。