MILES GUO (NFSC代理中) on GETTR : 【#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 Shawn “DVS 7.0” Olivo, the singer of the song “take down the CCP”, shared his opinion: A lot ...
【#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 Shawn “DVS 7.0” Olivo, the singer of the song “take down the CCP”, shared his opinion: A lot of unusual events are happening right now. The CCP starts taking down the people who are in their way. The CCP funded the setting up of Miles Guo. The DOJ has made us think that standing against the CCP is racism against China. It’s not that. There’s a separation between the two. The Chinese people are great people, but the CCP is enslaving the Chinese people. We need to stand with the Chinese people. 【#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 《Take down the CCP》的歌手Shawn(艺名:DVS 7.0)与我们分享了他的观点:现在有很多诡异事件正在发生。中共开始铲除挡在其扩张道路上的人。中共资助构陷郭文贵。美国司法部让我们觉得反对中共是对中国人的种族歧视。不是的,我们要区分开来。中国人民是伟大的,但中共在奴役中国人民。我们要与中国人民站在一起。
【#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023  Shawn “DVS 7.0” Olivo, the singer of the song “take down the CCP”, shared his opinion:  A lot of unusual events are happening right now. The CCP starts taking down the people who are in their way. The CCP funded the setting up of Miles Guo. The DOJ has made us think that standing against the CCP is racism against China. It’s not that. There’s a separation between the two. The Chinese people are great people, but the CCP is enslaving the Chinese people.  We need to stand with the Chinese people. 

【#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 《Take down the CCP》的歌手Shawn(艺名:DVS 7.0)与我们分享了他的观点:现在有很多诡异事件正在发生。中共开始铲除挡在其扩张道路上的人。中共资助构陷郭文贵。美国司法部让我们觉得反对中共是对中国人的种族歧视。不是的,我们要区分开来。中国人民是伟大的,但中共在奴役中国人民。我们要与中国人民站在一起。