Rebel News on GETTR : DAILY Roundup | Schwab/Musk at World Government Summit, Busty Lemieux's dress code, 'MAID is wrong'
Tamara Ugolini joins David Menzies for today's DAILY Roundup livestream.
Today, our hosts are taking a look at the differing speeches given by WEF chairman Klaus Schwab and Tesla boss Elon Musk at the World Government Summit in Dubai.
Plus, Halton District School Board, the home of Busty Lemieux, is holding a meeting tonight that could see the controversial giant-prosthetic-breast wearing shop teacher be forced to comply with a dress code.
And finally, Conservative MP Rob Moore ripped Justice Minister David Lametti over the Trudeau government's plan to expand its assisted suicide program to include Canadians dealing with mental health issues.