paulsperry on GETTR : NEW: Turns out Special Counsel Durham never had to put together a broad conspiracy charge to nail FBI brass for Russiagate abuses in ...
NEW: Turns out Special Counsel Durham never had to put together a broad conspiracy charge to nail FBI brass for Russiagate abuses in order to get around the 5-year statute of limitations, which he let lapse. Certain fraud statutes have longer than 5-year limitation periods. One is 18 USC 1031: "1) scheme to defraud the United States ... A prosecution under this section may be commenced any time not later than 7 years after the offense is committed." The last fraudulent and illegal FISA spy warrant expired Sept 22, 2017. That means Durham had until September 2024 to file charges against McCabe, who signed the final FISA affidavit, under this statute. Instead of filing charges, Durham reportedly is filing a final report