rwmalonemd on GETTR : Meloni on the Green Pass: “… for example, the digital Green Pass- we were the first to support it and we hope it gets adopted as soo...
Meloni on the Green Pass: “… for example, the digital Green Pass- we were the first to support it and we hope it gets adopted as soon as possible in total reciprocity with all European states. This is a priority and it is fundamental to restart, mostly, tourism. I want to salute all medical professionals. As you know ‘Fratelli D’Italia’ (her party) was in favor of the Penal Shield for doctors and anyone administering the vaccine. (This was the law that removed liability from anyone who gave the covid shot) (Hardly a radical Fascist position from an EU POV, But I get the point that the green cards were a WEF stepping stone)
Meloni on the Green Pass:  “… for example, the digital Green Pass- we were the first to support it and we hope it gets adopted as soon as possible in total reciprocity with all European states. This is a priority and it is fundamental to restart, mostly, tourism. I want to salute all medical professionals. As you know ‘Fratelli D’Italia’ (her party) was in favor of the Penal Shield for doctors and anyone administering the vaccine.  (This was the law that removed liability from anyone who gave the covid shot)   (Hardly a radical Fascist position from an EU POV, But I get the point that the green cards were a WEF stepping stone)