NFSCTV on GETTR : 2022.08.29 Platforms that turn other people's happiness and love into money will eventually disappear. Only Gettr, as long as you use...
2022.08.29 Platforms that turn other people's happiness and love into money will eventually disappear. Only Gettr, as long as you use this platform, you’ll make money. Gettr is to produce value and create wealth. 20828-把别人的喜欢和爱变成钱的平台变现,最终都会烟消云散。只有到盖特,你只要使用,你就有钱,盖特是生产价值和财富。
2022.08.29 Platforms that turn other people's happiness and love into money will eventually disappear. Only Gettr, as long as you use this platform, you’ll make money. Gettr is to produce value and create wealth.
