James A. Thorp MD on GETTR : See Dr. James Thorp interview the World Expert on VAERS, Albert Benevides. The globalist WHO - CDC -FDA - et al (medical indu...
See Dr. James Thorp interview the World Expert on VAERS, Albert Benevides. The globalist WHO - CDC -FDA - et al (medical industrial complex) attempt to reject VAERS as an important pharmacovigilance signal. There is irrefutable evidence that this is FALSE. As horrible as the safety signal VAERS has broadcasted, the medical industrial complex are deleting cases with adverse events (AE), delaying reporting for months, and throttling the results to minimize vaccine induced adverse events. There are well over 20 plus completely independent sources not only verifying VAERS, but actually much worse than VAERS, including Pfizer's own internal documents PHMPT.ORG https://rumble.com/v1evolf-dr.-james-thorp-interviews-albert-benevides-the-world-expert-on-vaers.html
See Dr. James Thorp interview the World Expert on VAERS, Albert Benevides.  The globalist WHO - CDC -FDA - et al (medical industrial complex) attempt to reject VAERS as an important pharmacovigilance signal.  There is irrefutable evidence that this is FALSE.  As horrible as the safety signal VAERS has broadcasted, the medical industrial complex are deleting cases with adverse events (AE), delaying reporting for months, and throttling the results to minimize vaccine induced adverse events.  There are well over 20 plus completely independent sources not only verifying VAERS, but actually much worse than VAERS, including Pfizer's own internal documents PHMPT.ORG
