ztexanz on GETTR : @Sebastian420 Replying to @ztexanz Oh I wasn’t kidding when I said that they are trying to kill us when you have people like Bill Gates ...
@Sebastian420 Replying to @ztexanz Oh I wasn’t kidding when I said that they are trying to kill us when you have people like Bill Gates making the vaccine, when he openly said he wants to get the population of the world back down to 500 million @Sebastian420 Replying To @ztexanz Of course you’re trying to kill us first the plan Demic then the vaccine hyperinflation gasoline prices through the roof are border being overrun with illegals @RogRamjet Replying to @ztexanz There is not one honorable person among the people in the posted photo. PROVE ME WRONG. @LEAH1980 Replying to @ztexanz Yes, kill the elderly with vaccines, kill the preborn, plandemic, food shortage, baby food shortage, wars, etc.
@Sebastian420 Replying to @ztexanz Oh I wasn’t kidding when I said that they are trying to kill us when you have people like Bill Gates making the vaccine, when he openly said he wants to get the population of the world back down to 500 million  @Sebastian420 Replying To @ztexanz Of course you’re trying to kill us first the plan Demic then the vaccine hyperinflation gasoline prices through the roof are border being overrun with illegals @RogRamjet Replying to @ztexanz There is not one honorable person among the people in the posted photo. PROVE ME WRONG. @LEAH1980 Replying to @ztexanz Yes, kill the elderly with vaccines, kill the preborn, plandemic, food shortage, baby food shortage, wars, etc.