GTranslators_1 on GETTR : Dr. Naomi Wolf: The bottom line is, babies are dying disproportionately, and getting sick from vaccinated mothers. Three countrie...
Dr. Naomi Wolf: The bottom line is, babies are dying disproportionately, and getting sick from vaccinated mothers. Three countries are now reporting signals that are dramatic, have vaccinated mothers having stillbirths, dead fetuses, miscarriages, agitated, and failing to grow babies. 娜奥米·沃尔夫博士:最重要的是,婴儿的死亡率异常,而且因其母亲接种疫苗而生病。三个国家的报告引人注目,接种过疫苗的母亲有死产、死胎、流产、婴儿焦躁不安和发育不良的情况。
Dr. Naomi Wolf: The bottom line is, babies are dying disproportionately, and getting sick from vaccinated mothers. Three countries are now reporting signals that are dramatic,
have vaccinated mothers having stillbirths, dead fetuses, miscarriages, agitated, and failing to grow babies.