GTranslators_1 on GETTR : 娜奥米·沃尔夫的团队说,接种疫苗的哺乳期的妈妈们的乳汁出现变色。婴儿在喝了妈妈的乳汁后出现了胃肠道问题和发育问题。马龙博士在11日与17000名医生联名发表公告宣布必须解除医疗紧急状态,停止注射疫苗。 Naomi Wolff's team s...
娜奥米·沃尔夫的团队说,接种疫苗的哺乳期的妈妈们的乳汁出现变色。婴儿在喝了妈妈的乳汁后出现了胃肠道问题和发育问题。马龙博士在11日与17000名医生联名发表公告宣布必须解除医疗紧急状态,停止注射疫苗。 Naomi Wolff's team says the milk of vaccinated nursing mothers is discolored. Babies develop gastrointestinal problems and fail to thrive after drinking their mother's milk. Dr. Malone issued a joint announcement with 17,000 doctors on the 11th announcing that the medical emergency must be lifted and vaccinations must be stopped.
Naomi Wolff's team says the milk of vaccinated nursing mothers is discolored. Babies develop gastrointestinal problems and fail to thrive after drinking their mother's milk. Dr. Malone issued a joint announcement with 17,000 doctors on the 11th announcing that the medical emergency must be lifted and vaccinations must be stopped.