GTranslators_1 on GETTR : 证据显示,阿斯利康以及辉瑞的高层都早已知晓中共病毒疫苗在对抗病毒方面无效,且会引发严重后遗症,但即便如此,他们仍在不遗余力地继续推动疫苗的推广计划。 Evidence suggests that both AstraZeneca and Pfizer exe...
证据显示,阿斯利康以及辉瑞的高层都早已知晓中共病毒疫苗在对抗病毒方面无效,且会引发严重后遗症,但即便如此,他们仍在不遗余力地继续推动疫苗的推广计划。 Evidence suggests that both AstraZeneca and Pfizer executives have known for some time that the COVID vaccines are ineffective in fighting the virus and that they could cause serious consequences, but even so, they have continued to push the vaccine rollout program relentlessly.
证据显示,阿斯利康以及辉瑞的高层都早已知晓中共病毒疫苗在对抗病毒方面无效,且会引发严重后遗症,但即便如此,他们仍在不遗余力地继续推动疫苗的推广计划。 Evidence suggests that both AstraZeneca and Pfizer executives have known for some time that the COVID vaccines are ineffective in fighting the virus and that they could cause serious consequences, but even so, they have continued to push the vaccine rollout program relentlessly.