Himalaya Washington DC on GETTR : 🆘🇺🇦🆘Report from NFSC's Ukraine Rescue by King】 【🆘🇺🇦🆘来自乌克兰救援前线精糧的报道】 精糧昨天采访了一位长年在比利时生活的,青年乌克兰艺术家,把自画的或者隶属团体的作品海报...
🆘🇺🇦🆘Report from NFSC's Ukraine Rescue by King】 【🆘🇺🇦🆘来自乌克兰救援前线精糧的报道】 精糧昨天采访了一位长年在比利时生活的,青年乌克兰艺术家,把自画的或者隶属团体的作品海报带来,分享给营地的义工,一起做效果比他想像的好!👏👍 About the New Federal State of China #NFSC 👇 We are the NEW CHINESE who are taking down EVIL Chinese Communist Party( #CCP). The CCP is the root cause of all global disasters. The only way to save humanity is to take down the CCP.
🆘🇺🇦🆘Report from NFSC's Ukraine Rescue by King】  【🆘🇺🇦🆘来自乌克兰救援前线精糧的报道】  精糧昨天采访了一位长年在比利时生活的,青年乌克兰艺术家,把自画的或者隶属团体的作品海报带来,分享给营地的义工,一起做效果比他想像的好!👏👍   About the New Federal State of China #NFSC 👇 We are the NEW CHINESE who are taking down EVIL Chinese Communist Party( #CCP).  The CCP is the root cause of all global disasters. The only way to save humanity is to take down the CCP.