NFSCTV on GETTR : 4/15/2022 Miles Guo: the CCP launched its “Son of Taiwan” action starting from today, as it did to Mr. Pompeo’s Taiwan visit, the CCP wil...
4/15/2022 Miles Guo: the CCP launched its “Son of Taiwan” action starting from today, as it did to Mr. Pompeo’s Taiwan visit, the CCP will cause shut-down of Taiwan’s water and power supplies, transportation, airports and Internet to further stir up chaos and civil commotion in Taiwan so that the CCP can take advantage to take over Taiwan 4/15/2022 文贵紧急直播的第三个原因:中共从今天开始已启动”台湾之子”计划,如同上次蓬佩奥访问台湾期间出现停电一样,中共会让台湾水电供应、交通、机场、网路等停摆,引起社会内乱,趁机拿下台湾
4/15/2022 Miles Guo: the CCP launched its “Son of Taiwan” action starting from today, as it did to Mr. Pompeo’s Taiwan visit, the CCP will cause shut-down of Taiwan’s water and power supplies, transportation, airports and Internet to further stir up chaos and civil commotion in Taiwan so that the CCP can take advantage to take over Taiwan

4/15/2022 文贵紧急直播的第三个原因:中共从今天开始已启动”台湾之子”计划,如同上次蓬佩奥访问台湾期间出现停电一样,中共会让台湾水电供应、交通、机场、网路等停摆,引起社会内乱,趁机拿下台湾