NFSCTV on GETTR : 4/14/2022 Miles Guo: Most of Taiwan's military and Intelligence Services have been bought off by the CCP; the drones purchased by Tai...
4/14/2022 Miles Guo: Most of Taiwan's military and Intelligence Services have been bought off by the CCP; the drones purchased by Taiwan are indeed made in Communist China! 4/14/2022 文贵直播:台湾的军队以及情报部门绝大多数已被CCP收买,台湾的无人机来自中共国!
4/14/2022 Miles Guo: Most of Taiwan's military and Intelligence Services have been bought off by the CCP; the drones purchased by Taiwan are indeed made in Communist China!

4/14/2022 文贵直播:台湾的军队以及情报部门绝大多数已被CCP收买,台湾的无人机来自中共国!