宁南 on GETTR : 7NEWS《全球视点》现代信息化战争 炮灰也被精准锁定 Morden IT warfare to lock cannon fodder precisely as well The horrors of Putin's invasion of Uk...
7NEWS《全球视点》现代信息化战争 炮灰也被精准锁定 Morden IT warfare to lock cannon fodder precisely as well The horrors of Putin's invasion of Ukraine are increasingly coming to light and will ne punished by whole world soon! Simultaneously the CCP is driving Chinese people to isolated camp in helpless pain. And soon all the evil tyrants and their accomplice will be punished soon. Especially a lot of cannon fodder will be locked precisely. 乌克兰布查惨案,俄罗斯军队的纳粹行径震惊了全世界,此事坚定了美国及其他国家的决心,决心不论以何种方式、不论何时,都必须对实施行为的人,以及发出指令的人追究责任。每一位施暴者都难逃法网,都将在余生付出代价。现代化的信息化战争,一切都在裸奔。與其遥相呼应的苏维埃干儿子中共匪帮魁首,在此覆灭之际,垂死挣扎,负隅顽抗,必将重蹈历史耻辱柱上的独裁者覆辙。还在借防疫之名残害民众的大小喽啰们,和俄罗斯入侵者一样被精确定位先后被消灭掉,亦在来世堕入大嚎地狱。
7NEWS《全球视点》现代信息化战争 炮灰也被精准锁定
Morden IT warfare to lock cannon fodder precisely as well 

The horrors of Putin's invasion of Ukraine are increasingly coming to light and will ne punished by whole world soon! Simultaneously the CCP is driving Chinese people to isolated camp  in helpless pain. And soon all the evil tyrants and their accomplice will be punished soon. Especially a lot of cannon fodder will be locked precisely.