deleterium on GETTR : #abortion #abortionlaw #Progressives #prochoice We charge a murderer who kills a pregnant woman with two counts of murder; if Ab...
#abortion #abortionlaw #Progressives #prochoice We charge a murderer who kills a pregnant woman with two counts of murder; if Abortion is not murder, and a fetus is not considered a human life, then why double charge a murderer? Either killing a child in a mother's womb is murder or it's not murder, which is it?
#abortion #abortionlaw #Progressives #prochoice 
We charge a murderer who kills a pregnant woman with two counts of murder; if Abortion is not murder, and a fetus is not considered a human life, then why double charge a murderer? Either killing a child in a mother's womb is murder or it's not murder, which is it?