Smile😊Stone on GETTR : 🔴已故的法國諾貝爾獎得主、病毒學家、生物學家、HIV病毒的發現者的呂克蒙塔尼耶博士,生前在電視節目中證實,中共病毒是人工製造,HIV被添加到中共病毒中。 In a TV interview before his death, lucmonta...
🔴已故的法國諾貝爾獎得主、病毒學家、生物學家、HIV病毒的發現者的呂克蒙塔尼耶博士,生前在電視節目中證實,中共病毒是人工製造,HIV被添加到中共病毒中。 In a TV interview before his death, lucmontagnier -who was the winner nobelprize for discovering HIV virus confirmed that professionals in the laboratory and hiv had been inserted in the virus. #lucmontagnier #ccpvirus #HIV

In a TV interview before his death, lucmontagnier -who was the winner nobelprize for discovering HIV virus confirmed that professionals in the laboratory and hiv had been inserted in the virus. 

#lucmontagnier   #ccpvirus  #HIV