Plombariola on GETTR : This is not just corrosive, it's Doctor Frankenstein sewing up strip mined Faith. Without human hands at the helm, shaped by div...
This is not just corrosive, it's Doctor Frankenstein sewing up strip mined Faith. Without human hands at the helm, shaped by divinity Incarnate, it's soulless freak imagery. It is more offensive than I can express. The Shroud of Turin is a relic unparalleled, needing no improvement/extension. In visiting Milan, my lost horizon was not making an effort to see Turin too. A tactile piece of Christ's burial cloth, exempt from scientific means of proof, and AI churns out a collective hollywood version. Grotesque as the monster that kills its own electrician.
This is not just corrosive, it's Doctor Frankenstein sewing up strip mined Faith. Without human hands at the helm, shaped by divinity Incarnate, it's soulless freak imagery. It is more offensive than I can express. The Shroud of Turin is a relic unparalleled, needing no improvement/extension. In visiting Milan, my lost horizon was not making an effort to see Turin too. A tactile piece of Christ's burial cloth, exempt from scientific means of proof, and AI churns out a collective hollywood version. Grotesque as the monster that kills its own electrician.